What You Need to Know: Spring Weather and Pasture Establishment Outlook from CattleFax

King Ranch InstituteGeneral, News

Published Feb. 1, 2019

Yesterday morning during the National Cattleman’s Beef Association annual meeting in New Orleans, the CattleFax presentation gave a promising outlook on weather conditions, reseeding, and pasture establishment. Here’s what we learned and why we think this spring is the perfect time to act on planting in the southern plains.

By Rick Machen, Paul C. Genho Endowed Chair in Ranch Management,  King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management

Reseeding warm season perennial native grasses and establishing pastures with introduced grasses are among the riskiest decisions resource managers make. Prepare the seedbed, purchase the seed, plant the seed complete with firm soil-seed contact and then hope sufficient timely rains and favorable weather follow. Risky business.

The key to success? Adequate soil moisture. Sufficient and timely rainfall.  If we plant into dry soil and get no rain, the results are obvious – no germination, but the seed remains viable. Worse case scenario? Receive just enough rain to sprout the grass seed, but not enough follow up rains to sustain the young emerging seedling.

Spring 2019 appears to be a unique, once in a decade (or more) opportunity. Fall and winter rains have replenished soil moisture across much of the central and southern plains (see late January US Drought Monitor).

CattleFax meteorologist Dr. Art Douglas shared an encouraging outlook during his presentation at the annual NCBA meeting. Strong El Niño conditions (warm surface temperatures for water along the equator in the Pacific) exist and are forecast to remain strong into early summer. Consequently, the expectation is for greater than average rainfall across much of the southern US (find more at CattleFax).

If there was ever a time when reseeding or pasture establishment was less risky, this spring is it. With good late winter soil moisture and the forecast for a wet spring, conditions are favorable for reseeding/pasture establishment efforts.

But time is of the essence – the optimum time for planting native warm season perennial grasses on the southern plains is February – early March. So, if you have been thinking about a reseeding project, pull the trigger! Secure the seed, prepare the seedbed and plant with confidence you will have a great stand come summer.

Established warm season perennial Bluestem.