Systems Approach to Beef Cattle Sustainability: BIF Online Symposium

King Ranch InstituteFaculty, News

Still confused about what SUSTAINABLE BEEF PRODUCTION really means…here is your chance to understand!

For many of us, the word sustainable has meant “passing on the ranch to the next generation while maintaining or improving the natural resources for generations to come.” Today, that definition is much more broad. The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef “envisions a world in which all aspects of the beef value chain are environmentally sound, socially responsible, and economically viable.” In this presentation made by our director at the recent Beef Improvement Federation Online Symposium, Dr. Mathis explains and links together each aspect of sustainable beef production as they relate to the forage-based portion of the beef supply chain. By identifying trends associated with beef sustainability, Dr. Mathis uses a systems approach to explain the challenges of producing sustainable beef.

What are the areas of greatest opportunity that we as producers can focus on to operate a successful AND sustainable beef enterprise? Take some time to watch this video…we know you will take away some helpful information from Dr. Mathis’s presentation!