John Maddux

Emily StriblingBio's, General, Symposium

Owner and Manager; Maddux Cattle Company

John Maddux is the fourth-generation manager of the family ranch operations, which includes 45,000 deeded and leased acres, 2,500 mother cows, and 6,000 yearlings. In addition to his daily ranch duties, he is a past member of the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition; the Nebraska Investment Council, which is responsible for managing the state’s 9 Billion in pension assets; and served on the Board of Directors of Cattle-Fax and State Bank.  Prior to returning to the ranch, John was employed by Goldman Sachs of New York in Fixed Income Sales and Trading, and prior to that worked for Elanco selling herbicides. He has an undergraduate degree in Animal Science form the University of Nebraska and an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago.  John is married to his wife Julia, with two boys Taylor, 15 and Thomas, 12.