Scott Crozier

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students

Scott Crozier was raised on a small family ranch in northeast Utah and northwest Colorado. Growing up on the ranch, he spent his time changing sprinklers, hauling hay, and tending cows. Tending cows was his favorite part because he was horseback. A passion for training horses began the summer he turned 12 when his dad gave him a 2-year-old chestnut …

Landon Schofield

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students

Landon Schofield was raised in South Central Idaho where he grew up hunting and fishing the mountains and alpine lakes of the Pacific Northwest.  From moving sprinkler pipe to driving tractor, growing up in Idaho afforded many opportunities to connect with the land.  He recognized early on the many different interest groups that depend on the land and wanted to …

Jason Sawyer, Ph.D.

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Faculty, General

  Chief Science Officer; East Foundation • 361-593-5401 Jason Sawyer is the Chief Science Officer for East Foundation, where he leads the Science mission of the Foundation, integrating research programs within the Foundation’s ongoing ranching operations to develop translatable knowledge and innovative solutions for stewards of working lands. Jason has over 20 years of experience in applied research and management, …

Cody Richardson, Jr.

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students, Master's Program

Cody Richardson, Jr. discovered his passion and desire to work in the ranching industry while working on the Scharbauer Ranch alongside his father. He attended Sul Ross State University in Alpine, TX, where he participated in campus activities and dayworked for local ranches. Cody was the president and treasurer of the Ranch Horse Club and competed in collegiate SHTX shows. …

Ross Bronson

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students, Master's Program

Ross comes to KRIRM with a slightly different background than one might expect. Although he has extensive property management and livestock experience, the operations he has managed have always included a tourist component. While attending Brigham Young University-Idaho, Ross worked as a guide and foreman for Halo Ranch Outfitters just outside West Yellowstone, Montana where he was able to put …

Kord Killpack

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students, Master's Program

Kord Killpack was raised in Southeast Idaho where he and his dad day worked for several local ranches. Here he was able to develop the necessary skills to be a successful cowboy. This is also where he developed his strong work ethic and passion for the ranching industry. After graduating high school, he went on to serve a two-year mission …

Garrett Stribling

King Ranch InstituteBio's, Graduate Students, Master's Program

A native of Scurry, Texas, Garrett Stribling developed a passion for livestock at an early age. Being actively involved in FFA, he showed market hogs and steers, but was always drawn to the ranching business. He worked all through high school for the Double TT Ranch – a purebred and commercial Santa Gertrudis operation – in Rosser, Texas. Garrett attended …

New Educational Journey Begins

King Ranch InstituteBio's, General, News

KRIRM Welcomes Two New Ranch Management Graduate Students Feature story appearing in the KRIRM Fall 2018 Newsletter By Kindra Gordon A common denominator among most successful individuals is often a commitment to lifelong learning. Two individuals dedicated to that learning journey are Tyler Gardner and Zane Herrin, who have been selected as the new King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management …

Chris Kirby

King Ranch InstituteBio's

Chris Kirby is part of a fifth-generation ranching family in Oregon. He has held a passion for agriculture since age five when he owned his first milk cow named Valentine and his horse named Birthday. After his parents moved to the Portland area when he was a teen, Kirby spent summers on his grandparents’ ranch and helped full time during …

Rhonda Wulf

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementBio's

Rhonda Wulf grew up near Morris, Minnesota, part of the third generation in a family cattle operation. The Wulf family has operated a seedstock and cattle feeding operation started by the late Leonard Wulf in the 1950’s. Here Rhonda learned to appreciate the scope if the beef industry from genetics to carcass; developing a passion not only for producing a …

Philip Weltmer

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementBio's

Philip Weltmer grew up in Smith Center, Kansas on a family operation that included cow-calf, stocker, feedyard, feed mill, livestock market and row crop. Upon graduation from Kansas State University majoring in Animal Science & Industry, Philip returned home to join W & S Ranch Inc. Philip manages the registered and commercial Angus cow-calf herd and feedyard. They artificially inseminate …

Ben Spitzer

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementBio's

Ben Spitzer grew up in the cattle business and his family involvement goes back several generations to include both commercial cattle and registered cattle of several breeds. Spitzer attended Oklahoma State University (OSU) and majored in Animal Science with an animal production emphasis. Upon graduation from OSU, he decided to continue his formal education at Colorado State University (CSU) and …