W.B. "Dub" Yarborough Lectureship on Real Estate Law for Ranchers


April 25-26, 2025




Hybrid Event
In-Person: Riviera, TX
Online: Zoom Webinar

  • Summary

    This Lectureship will be simultaneously delivered in-person and online as a Zoom webinar.

    Few things pose a greater threat to ranch sustainability than drought and litigation; preparation for both is essential. Participants will gain a better understanding of landowner rights and responsibilities, which is vital in today’s litigious society. Discussion topics include: fence law, ground and surface water, easements and condemnations, landowner liability, mineral and renewable energy law, and other emerging issues. Texas case law affecting ranching will be presented.

    This event is approved for 8 CE hours for Texas Real Estate Agents; available to both in-person & virtual attendees.

    Event location: Erma Center, 330 Cypress Ave. Riviera, Texas 78379
    Parking is located between the Erma Center and Kaufer High School

  • Learning Objectives

    • Understand the provisions of an oil, gas, and mineral lease
    • Discuss landowner rights and ownership of surface and groundwater
    • Recognize recent developments in the Rule of Capture, statutes, and case law
    • Identify landowner liability for injuries and list measures to avoid liability
    • Understand the condemnation process and determine strategies to protect property rights
    • Recognize how private easements are created and terminated
    • Identify how small estates transfer property to the next generation

  • Instructor

    Tiffany Lashmet, J.D. • Agricultural Law Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

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Texas A&M University-Kingsville
700 University Blvd., MSC 137
Kingsville, Texas 78363
Office: 361-593-5401
Fax: 361-593-5404