Tyrell Anderson

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementGeneral

Tyrell grew up on a seedstock operation in Southern Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Nevada. In 1997 his family moved to the Double T Ranch in Babb, Montana, which ran 1,200 head of seedstock, stabilizer cattle. There on the Double T Ranch, he worked on all facets of seedstock production, as well as dry land farming until he graduated from Cardston High School, Alberta Canada.

After high school, he served two years as full-time volunteer missionary in Sendai Japan learning the language and to love the Japanese people and culture. After returning home, he went to school at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, as an environment soil science major. Tyrell met his wife Nichole in Utah, and they were married December 20, 2005. He then transferred to BYU in Rexburg, Idaho, as an animal science major in 2006. Tyrell interned on Deseret Cattle and Citrus Ranch in St. Cloud, Florida, for four months, working on two separate units. Each ran about 4,500 head of cattle. He also participated in their breeding program of Black Angus seedstock cattle.

Tyrell graduated from BYUI in the spring of 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in animal science and a minor in business and agronomy. He spent his summers working full-time on the RO Cattle Ranch in Smokey Valley, Nevada. The ranch ran 1,200 head of commercial cattle and 400 head of Black Angus seedstock cattle. After graduation, Tyrell worked as the assistant general manager there for three years. He managed all farming operations and also managed all trucking operations, ranch maintenance, and backgrounding lots. Tyrell assisted in managing irrigated and leased summer pastures and a 1.2 million acre BLM winter grazing allotment. He also helped to develop a hydroelectric power plant on the ranch using a pipeline that captures water from the North and South Twin rivers on the Toiabi Mountain Range.

Tyrell then took a management job on the Roaring Springs Ranch in French Glen, Oregon, which runs roughly 6,500 of commercial cows and 2,400 head of summer stockers. His duties included management of 1,000 acres of center pivot irrigation as well as 10,000 acres of flood irrigated meadow and a 2,000 head backgrounding lot. He also oversaw all maintenance of the ranch, which included housing, production facilities, roads and equipment. He oversaw all rangeland improvements, which consisted of re-seeding of burned grazing lands, seed harvesting, also stock water development and improvements. As part of the KRIRM program, he hopes to continue to grow and gain knowledge and skills in order to be part of the bright and challenging future of agriculture. Tyrell and Nichole have three children.