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Southern AZ Division Cattle Manager – 3T Ranch/ Bar M Ranch- DH Cattle Co

Emily StriblingGeneral, Ranch Manager Job Listings Leave a Comment

*Please note KRIRM is not affiliated with job postings. For any job related questions, please contact the individual listed.

Position Title: Southern AZ Division Cattle Manager

Name of Ranch/Business: 3T Ranch/ Bar M Ranch- DH Cattle Co

Location: Douglas, Arizona

Position Description: Oversee all cattle activities at 3T and Bar M ranch in southern Az. 3T consists of a 10,000 hd capacity starter/backgrounding yard that is used as a multi purpose facility to wean and grow approximately 10,000 company raised calves, a small fat cattle/finish segment to produce cattle for the single sourced vertically integrated beef supply chain, as well as start and grow purchased Mexican and commodity cattle throughout the year. 3T also has 1700 acres of irrigated farm ground that is planted in winter wheat to graze from Oct1 to May15 each season- focusing on growing ranch raised program cattle for various marketing opportunities. Along with the feedlot and farm there are several small desert pastures at 3T that are used predominantly as heifer development pastures for K4 ranch, where bred heifers are acclimated and calved the first year before moving to the northern larger ranches. Bar M ranch is a 30,000 acre high desert ranch that supports 600 cow/calf pairs annually as well as opportunities to run stockers as moisture and rainfall allow.


Education – Preferred bachelors, Vo-ag, or certification in production agriculture focused on cattle.

Experience – 5 year in leadership/management agriculture background required as well as willingness to embrace the current operations procedures, goals, and focus.

Enthusiasm – Ability to be define yourself as a leader and build confidence and enthusiasm in and with ranch employees

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Representation – Understanding the culture and goals of the company, helping develop and implement processes to achieve those goals while keeping in the mind the culture of the company and how we treat employees, vendors, partners, while ensuring we maintain the relationships that have been built over the last 80 years.
  • People & Team Management – Daily meeting with cattle crew to discuss issues/problems, plans, and assign tasks for the day or week. Frequent communication/check-in with employees and always offer support to team members. Make sure we provide employees, both new and seasoned, the appropriate training and tools (both figurative and mentally) to accomplish the tasks at hand. Recognize processes that could use improvement and communicate those with key team members. Constantly continue team building and mentoring employees by leading by example. Strong leadership skills, problem solving, and critical thinking are crucial towardsachieving company goals.
  • Cattle Management – Oversee all placements, processing, vaccinating, weights, shipments, movements, and treatments within health protocols designed by our veterinarian. Ensure all activities are completed to veterinarian expectations and within BQA guidelines. Reconcile medicine room inventories, work closely with our medication supplier, and make certain the team has the needed supplies for processing and treating cattle. Reconcile inventories, review yard sheets, end of the day reports and bi-monthly billing summaries and monthly operation summary reports to ensure accuracy. Ensure the scale and processing chute along with all other cattle operations infrastructure and equipment are in good operating condition.
  • Forward Contract – Watch feedlot inventory, days on feed, and estimated out date and communicate progress and expectations to general manager/owners to help determine forward contracts and shipping dates.
  • Ration Management – Work closely with feed supervisor, general manager, and nutritionist to report needs for cattle movements, placements, changes, sorting, or inconsistencies in ration. Also inventory and account for all direct fed ingredients (cake, protein blocks, mineral). Assist feed manager/general manager with commodity inventories and logistics coming into the feed yard.
  • 3T Farm – Work closely with and communicate to farm manager and general manager on
    farm pasture utilization, movement, resting or chemical application periods as well as assisting
    in maintaining equipment, fences, and infrastructure.
  • Expenses/Budget – Watch all monthly/weekly reports and follow/assist with budgets looking for trends both positive and negative.
  • Ranch Management – Oversee Cow/Calf operation at the Bar M Ranch and 3T desert pastures, watch supplement feed inventories (salt, mineral and protein) for consumption, cost, and reordering. Manage herd health along with scheduling branding, preg-checking, and weaning events. Ensure all activities are completed to veterinarian expectations and within BQA guidelines. Maintain cow and bull condition through all seasons by additional supplements or feed as needed.

Estimated Salary & Benefits: Industry leading base salary for strong qualified candidate. Including housing, family health insurance, and aggressive performance-based bonus programs.

To Apply: Contact Sheridan Aden

Ranch Contact Name:

Sheridan Aden || 520-508-6168

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