Rhonda Wulf

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementBio's

Rhonda Wulf grew up near Morris, Minnesota, part of the third generation in a family cattle operation. The Wulf family has operated a seedstock and cattle feeding operation started by the late Leonard Wulf in the 1950’s. Here Rhonda learned to appreciate the scope if the beef industry from genetics to carcass; developing a passion not only for producing a high quality, more efficient beef animal, but the valued relationships with the people who make up each segment of the industry. She was responsible for research, education and marketing in the Wulf operation. With Wulf Cattle’s goal of being a top seedstock producer in the country, she worked at proving out the genetics through research, focusing the last few years on feed efficiency and genomics. She also planned educational seminars, assisted satellite herds to help them send bulls that fit the Wulf Cattle system, helped commercial bull customers add value to their calves with value added programs and returning carcass data to help make bull selection decisions. A few months of each year was devoted to planning for the annual production sale each March. She coordinated the marketing and printed materials for the brand.

Rhonda graduated from South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She worked at an ethanol plant in Morris, Minnesota, on product development, adding value to the co-products, distiller’s grains, to make lick tubs for livestock. She also spent seven years with the University of Minnesota Extension, spending two days a week as a county Extension Educator. Here she helped develop the Farm to School program at Willmar Public Schools to help educate students about food production, and was a part of the state Extension Beef Team which addresses industry issues through educational programs and research initiatives. Rhonda has been involved in Cattlemen’s organizations, breed associations, FFA Alumni.