Master's Program
Be part of a legacy. The King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management (KRIRM) offers the premier Master of Science in Ranch Management degree in the world. We teach experienced ranchers to become progressive leaders and exceptional managers. The curriculum and instruction at KRIRM prepares graduate students to manage complex ranching operations, and to positively impact the lives of people on those ranches and in the communities the ranches support.
The Master of Science in Ranch Management program is built around a model of systems thinking and is designed to broaden the skills and comfort zone of our mature students. This multi-disciplinary, systems approach allows students to understand the interconnectedness of every aspect in the ranching business. Our curriculum sharpens students’ skills and knowledge in the areas of animal science, wildlife science, range science, business, accounting, finance, and leadership.
"At other graduate schools, I would have been forced to specialize in either range, wildlife or animal science. At the King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management, not only was I immersed in all of the foundational sciences, I was also able to develop the human resource and business management skills that are essential to having success at the next level."
- Darrell White, KRIRM Class of 2014; Assistant Area Manager, King Ranch, Inc., TX
External learning opportunities include summer internships at ranches across the United States, projects that focus on real issues facing our partnering ranches, and workshops with industry professionals that cover a variety of ranch-related topics. During the final semester, students focus their efforts on an in-depth capstone project with a partnering ranch.
Who should apply? We accept experienced ranchers with a strong academic background that includes a Bachelor’s degree. We are looking for mature individuals who have some experience in the ranching industry, but perhaps wants to further develop their knowledge and advance their careers. KRIRM graduates will receive a Master of Science in Ranch Management degree upon completion of the 2-year graduate program.
Graduate Curriculum
The KRIRM curriculum requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours of graduate coursework in animal science, wildlife science, range science, business accounting, and finance.
Graduate curriculum may include, but is not limited to:
- Ranch Management
- Animal Science
- Systems Approach to Natural Resources Problem Solving
- Statistics
- Managerial Accounting
- Managerial Finance
- Ruminant Nutrition
- Advanced Range Livestock Production
- Theoretical Ecology of Large Mammals
- Information Systems Management
- Practicum in Ranch Management
- Habitat Management
"The fact that the foundation of the KRIRM program is Systems Thinking has proven invaluable to me, both in my role as ranch owner/manager and in my career in agricultural insurance. Systems Thinking teaches you to look for connections and to always keep the big picture in mind, which is helpful when managing people, natural resources, and animals."
- Jen Livsey, KRIRM Class of 2011; Co-Owner, Flying Diamond Ranch, CO
Students will attend lectureships offered through KRIRM’s outreach program. These events may take the form of weekly seminars, short-courses, or special one-time presentations. Students should expect to complete all of the below listed lectureships during the 2-year degree plan.
Lectureship topics may include:
- Real Estate Law for Ranchers
- Systems Thinking in Natural Resource Management
- Managing the Cow-Calf Business
- Prescribed Burning
- Grazing Management
- Application of Advanced Genetic Technology in Beef Cattle
- Brush Management
- Managing Farm & Ranch Employees
- Equine Management
Managing the Wildlife Enterprise
Holt Cat® Symposium on Excellence in Ranch Management
Students will be exposed to top industry experts as they discuss pertinent issues in ranch management. Students will also participate in the coordination and hosting of the annual event, which provides additional networking opportunities with symposium participants and speakers.
Case Studies/Service Learning
We serve the ranching industry by enlisting our student’s practical ranch management experience and in-depth training in business management to tackle real challenges and opportunities for operations across North America. These case studies allow our students to learn while serving as consultants and providing credible solutions for industry stakeholders. This extracurricular service-learning approach is at the core of the KRIRM model for education and outreach.
Admission Requirements
- B.S. degree with adequate course work in the field of interest
- Ranch management experience of at least 2 years is required; 5 to 10 years of experience is preferred
- Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0
- Acceptance by a KRIRM graduate faculty member to guide the student’s program and serve as their major advisor
- Leveling courses may be required in areas where the applicant’s background is deficient
Application Process
The King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management recruits mature and experienced students for its program. We encourage recent B.S. graduates to obtain at least 2 years of work experience in the ranching business before applying to KRIRM. We accept applications from December 1st through March 31st, and new students are selected in April each year. New students begin classes in August.
"After graduating with my bachelor’s degree from New Mexico State, I didn’t give any consideration to graduate school for 10 years. It was only when I realized that the opportunities for upward movement were extremely limited did I consider furthering my education. Spending two years at KRIRM isn’t exactly like putting your career on hold, it’s ultimately fast forwarding it by 10 years."
- Hank Willemsma, KRIRM Class of 2018; Ranch Manager, Matador Ranch, MT
Application Materials
If you are interested in applying to the program, please provide the following:
- A cover letter introducing yourself, describing your background, and explaining why you are interested in a ranching career
- Official copy of all undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- Résumé
Send application materials to:
King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management | Texas A&M University-Kingsville
700 University Blvd., MSC 137 | Kingsville, Texas 78363
The selection process is two-fold:
- Students must first be accepted into the KRIRM program by an appointed committee including members of the KRIRM Management Council.
- Students must then be accepted into the College of Graduate Studies at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Students must apply to TAMUK through the TAMUK Office of Admission and submit their Texas Online Application, official copy of all undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts, and GRE scores.
Selected candidates will receive scholarships totaling $96,000-$108,000 during their two-year enrollment in the program.
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