Dusty Hahn

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementGeneral

Dusty Hahn is a fifth generation cattle rancher from Townsend, Montana, which is located near the headwaters of the Missouri River in southwestern Montana. After attending college at Montana State University in Bozeman and earning a degree in agricultural operations technology, he returned to the family ranch where he works with his father, brother, cousin, uncle, and grandmother to ensure the ranch’s continuing success.

Hahn Ranch is a diversified agricultural operation that strives for high volume, high quality production. A predominantly Angus based cow-calf herd ranges on a mix of private land, and private, state, and federal grazing leases. The farm grows a mix of alfalfa hay, small grains, silage corn, and forage crops, most of which is irrigated by center pivots. A trucking company that hauls general flatbed freight, grain, and livestock, and a small cattle feeding enterprise round out Hahn Ranch’s business entities.

Dusty has been actively involved with the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) for 15 years. He has served as a committee vice-chair and chairperson. He recently completed a nine-year term on the MSGA Foundation’s Trustee board, where he served as vice-chair and chairperson. Most recently, Dusty served as the MSGA’s 2015 delegate for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Young Cattleman Conference. Dusty is an advocate for agriculture, and has hosted an international trade delegation, a congressman, and school children so that they have a better understanding of agriculture. He has also testified on ag related policy at the state legislature. He strives to develop leadership skills that will guide the beef industry through pitfalls such as managing infectious diseases that threaten our livelihood, negotiating international trade, and creating favorable policy on the local, state, and federal level.

Dusty’s passion is ranching and agriculture, but in his spare time he enjoys getting out in the mountains and exploring new places.