Doug Bichler

King Ranch Institute for Ranch ManagementGeneral

Doug Bichler was raised on a diversified livestock farm in Linton, ND. He graduated from North Dakota State University with B.S. degree in Animal Science in 2002. During college Doug was a member of both the Dairy and Livestock Judging teams, and was a member of the Dairy, Judging, and Saddle & Sirloin clubs. After college he worked for the NDSU Extension Service for 10 years and returned to the family farm where he now works full time.

Doug owns/operates Bichler Simmentals and Red Angus which consists of approximately 175 purebred and commercial cows. The ranch utilizes AI and Embryo Transfer to propagate the best genetics. Doug recently hosted his 9th annual bull sale and his 3rd annual fall female sale. Doug also operates a custom feeding business that develops approximately 500 head of grass cattle and replacement heifers on an annual basis. Doug is currently on the Board of Directors for the North Dakota Stockmen’s Associationand recently finished his term as president of the North Dakota Simmental Association. In addition, Doug enjoys working with the 4-H program and showing cattle with his nephews.